Announcing New Leadership Roles

We are proud to announce our newest Principals; Alahe Aldo, Eric Soldau, and Victor Navarro, recognized for their contribution to the growth and success of our firm. Please join us in congratulating them for their accomplishments

Alahe Aldo, Principal Architect

Over the last decade, Alahe has focused on creating exceptional academic spaces, with varied solutions exemplifying the cutting edge of 21st-century trends in campus function and education delivery. Her dedication to improving student life and enriching the quality of their environments is reflected in every project she leads. 

Eric Soldau, Principal Architect

Eric is the firm’s technical leader and quality assurance coordinator for all AMD projects. As a former educator and mentor, Eric’s practiced ability to exchange knowledge only increases the level of expertise of his team. His professionalism and energy inspire clients as well as his AMD colleagues.

Victor Navarro, Principal Architect

As a lead designer at AMD, Victor brings unique and thoughtful solutions to a wide array of projects. His expertise in federal, educational, civic and commercial projects over the last 20 years, has led to multifaceted experience on diverse building and construction typologies.