Robert Mosher, a native of Los Angeles, embarked on his architectural journey by attending The Art Center School at USC and the University of Washington, where he pursued his passion for architecture. Despite being drafted into the US Army during World War II and later discharged on medical grounds, Mosher eventually completed his degree in Seattle as the war drew to a close.
Roy Drew, hailing from Pasadena, laid the foundations of his career by earning a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Arts from Stanford in 1936, followed by a Master’s in Architecture from Yale in 1941. With the world engulfed in the turmoil of World War II, Drew gained invaluable experience working for notable figures such as Myron Hunt and Henry J. Kaiser. After serving in the US Navy from 1942 to 1946, Drew returned to the architecture scene and crossed paths with Robert Mosher in Paul Haynes’ Los Angeles office.
By 1948, they established the firm Mosher and Drew, Architects. Initially focusing on residential and commercial projects in La Jolla ranging from garage remodels to storefronts, Mosher and Drew quickly captured the attention of the San Diego community with their blend of humanist and modernist architectural principles. Their work garnered recognition from various publications, catching the eye of the editor of House Beautiful magazine, Elizabeth Gordon. Impressed by Mosher’s early home designs, Gordon invited him to work for the magazine. Roy Drew supported this endeavor, allowing Mosher to take a sabbatical from the firm to serve as Building Editor for the national publication. During this time, Mosher had a transformative experience living with Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin in Spring Green, WI, leaving an indelible mark on his architectural vision.
Robert Mosher – Art Center
The firm continued to evolve with the addition of talents like Bill Watson and Bill Ferguson, expanding their portfolio to include larger projects that firmly embedded Mosher Drew Watson Ferguson into the architectural landscape of San Diego. Notable achievements during this period included the master plan for UCSD’s John Muir College, the SDSU AztecCenter, the San Diego Fine Arts Gallery, and All Soul’s Episcopal Church in Point Loma. Additionally, Robert Mosher served as the consulting Design Architect for the iconic Coronado Bridge, further solidifying the firm’s reputation for excellence and innovation.